Sunday, July 04, 2010

Now what

The uncertainty is here. All the while I was eagerly awaiting the day when I finish my DA and embark on a new future education. Now that my exam is through, suddenly I feel lost. Qualified yes, confident...well quite. Future, not dark but hazy.

While I was still in Nair, the future was still as hazy as it is now. But atleast I belonged somewhere. Now while my security blanket of belonging is gone, the vision ahead is not clear...atleast not yet.

If someone were to ask me what is one thing that I most want right now, covet the most right now is the knowledge and assurance that my chance to further education is secured. That I would get into a good institute for my DNB as soon as possible. That all will be fine and I won't be left groping about in the dark. Life has given me all that I have wanted, always after a small wait, as a surprise when things seemed not to be going too well. Is this one more of those times........iska jawab to samay hi dega!!


  1. once in a while all of us come to a situation where decisions are taken away from our hand they reside completely on the fate's will . in these times kick back sit chill and see the fate unfold coz you cant help it but you can always enjoy it .

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog from facebook. Good luck with your studies, exams, results!

    I will watch this space for more updates!


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